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Can innovative procurement live up to its promise?
Today we are faced with quickly evolving challenges from public health and international relations to climate-related disasters and cyberattacks. Meeting all of these challenges requires our government to take quick action using new tools. Quick action with unproven technology is not something inherent in the DNA of government,… Read More
What The Federal?
If you’re a tech product company looking at the bureaucracy across government agencies you’re probably asking yourself (internally at least) “WTFederal?!”
5 Federal Market Questions for Tech Companies
The government desperately needs commercial tech, but let’s be real — breaking into the federal market is hard. There is a lot of time, money, and risk involved. Here are a few things every tech company should think about if interested in scaling in the federal market.
Dcode Alumni SBIR Round-Up
The SBIR program is designed to encourage small businesses to go after federal contracts — it’s highly competitive nature and phasing purposely created to spur innovation. Read about the Dcode alumni with SBIRs and how to work with them.